Who We Are

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for client’s individual needs
Puppy School
First Aid Dogs/ Cats

Come And Join Us For A Variety Of Classes. From Puppy Classes To Fun Agility. Canine Hoopers Classes.

We are Durban's leading Animal Behaviour and Training Specialist school. with over 30 years experience in training dogs and handlers.
The Smart Dog K9 Training Centre is able to offer a number of classes to fit into what you want to do with your dog.
The classes are not limited to the following as some courses can be designed exclusively for a client.
Puppy School, Obedience Class, Fun Agility, High Performance Training, Personal Protection class, Dog First Aid, Cat First Aid, CGC Canine Good Citizen testing and training.
We provide online courses, articles, seminars, posters and resources for dog owners, trainers, behaviourist, professionals & vets.
These courses carry weighting towards professional development and will earn you CEU’s. Each course has a certificate upon completion, so make sure you download this to show you have completed the course.
Our Director of Training, Grant Smith is more than capable to assist you in your educational plan for your animal or yourself.
Our education side we offer practical classes in various disciplines. Further to that we offer online courses as well look at our online section, sign up now and study in your own time.
We are registered with various educational Basic Educational Departments , SETA , SASSETA . Our lecturers are either facilitators , Assesors with teaching back ground and Grant is a Moderator as well to ensure a high standard of training and education to handlers.
Furthermore we are affiliated to various international training schools to give you the best training ever.

Feel free to contact us on

info@thesmartdog.co.za or Grant on 081 270 4672

A Trainer That Cares.


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